
Wisconsin REU in Astrophysics
Summer 2005


Wisconsin's 2005 REU students in Wilson Hall, Fermi Lab. Pictured from left to right are [back row]: Edwin Mierkiewicz (director), Jack Replinger (Rice University), Pia Denzmore (Rice University), Allison Duncan (Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology), David Fallest (Beloit College), AJ Heroux (University of Wisconsin, Whitewater), Kristen Jones (a University of Wisconsin, Madison student who joined us for a number of events), Daniel Capellupo (University of Rochester), [Front Row]: Kat Barger (Western Washington University), Leah Knapton (Western Washington University), Isobel Ojalvo (Rensselear Polytechnic Institute), Michael Line (another University of Wisconsin, Madison student who joined us for a number of events!). Missing from this photo are: Sylvana Yelda (University of Michigan; Sylvana was on her way to Kitt Peak Observatory!) and Heidi Gneiser (University of Wisconsin, Whitewater; Heidi was spending the first part of her summer at the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics); 2005 Program Director: Edwin Mierkiewicz

2005 REU Schedule

Student Research Webpage Final Talk (title)
Blakesley Burkhart Magnetohydrodynamical Turbulence of the Interstellar Medium
Kathleen Barger Calorimeter Impedance Study
Daniel Capellupo Color-Color Analysis of GLIMPSE Point Sources
Pia Denzmore Characterizing Star Formation in the Giant HII Region RCW 106 using GLIMPSE Data
Allison Duncan Mapping the Ionized Component of Complex A
David Fallest Using Spatial Heterodyne Spectroscopy to Observe Diffuse [OII] Emission in the WIM
AJ Heroux Calibration of IceCube using the Moon's Shadow
Leah Knapton Looking for HI Shells in IC5332
Isobel Ojalvo High Velocity Clouds
Jack Replinger CMB Polarization and Small Radio Telescopes
Sylvana Yelda Tidal Circularization in the Open Cluster NGC 6819

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last update: Sept 30, 2012