
Wisconsin REU in Astrophysics
Summer 2004


Wisconsin's 2004 REU students in front of UW-Madison's Bascom Hall Pictured from left to right are[front row] Rachel Baker (East Tennessee State University), Rebecca Jervey (Lycoming College),Jessica Fuselier (Xavier University of Louisiana),Sarah Bank(Towson University), and Phil Cigan (U of Wisconsin-Madison), [back row] Chris Hayden (Washington College),Caralyn Flack (Bemidji State University), Kenny Evans (California State Polytechnic University, Pomona), Luma Fohtung (University of Wisconsin-Whitewater),Pia Denzmore (Rice University); 2004 Program Director: Robert Benjamin

2004 REU Schedule

Student Research Webpage Final Talk (title)
Rachel Baker WHAM Multiwavelength observations of the Zeta Op h HII Region
Sarah Bank The Diffuse X-ray Background
Phil Cigan Starburst Galaxies
Pia Denzmore Modeling Protostar Evolution in the Star For mation Region RCW49
Kenny Evans An AMANDA Search for Muonic Neutrinos from Gamma Ray Bursts
Caralyn Flack Metallicities and Abundances of High Velocity Cl ouds
Luma Fohtung The orbital decay of High Velocity Clouds
Jessica Fuselier The Use of Color-Color Plots to Identify Obje cts in the Galactic Mid-Plane
Chris Hayden Protostar Development in Selected High Density I nterstellar HII Regions
Rebecca Jervey Stellar Feedback in IC1613

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last update: Sept 30, 2012