Wisconsin REU in
Astrophysics |
Wisconsin's 2004 REU students in front of UW-Madison's Bascom Hall Pictured from left to right are[front row] Rachel Baker (East Tennessee State University), Rebecca Jervey (Lycoming College),Jessica Fuselier (Xavier University of Louisiana),Sarah Bank(Towson University), and Phil Cigan (U of Wisconsin-Madison), [back row] Chris Hayden (Washington College),Caralyn Flack (Bemidji State University), Kenny Evans (California State Polytechnic University, Pomona), Luma Fohtung (University of Wisconsin-Whitewater),Pia Denzmore (Rice University); 2004 Program Director: Robert Benjamin
Student Research Webpage | Final Talk (title) |
Rachel Baker | WHAM Multiwavelength observations of the Zeta Op h HII Region |
Sarah Bank | The Diffuse X-ray Background |
Phil Cigan | Starburst Galaxies |
Pia Denzmore | Modeling Protostar Evolution in the Star For mation Region RCW49 |
Kenny Evans | An AMANDA Search for Muonic Neutrinos from Gamma Ray Bursts |
Caralyn Flack | Metallicities and Abundances of High Velocity Cl ouds |
Luma Fohtung | The orbital decay of High Velocity Clouds |
Jessica Fuselier a> | The Use of Color-Color Plots to Identify Obje cts in the Galactic Mid-Plane |
Chris Hayden | Protostar Development in Selected High Density I nterstellar HII Regions |
Rebecca Jervey | Stellar Feedback in IC1613 |